Jumbled Jelly Beans
We partnered with Box Fort, formerly 5 Wits Productions, to create Jumbled Jelly Beans, an interactive rock-climbing wall for an escape room. Players climb around the room using the jelly-bean-shaped handholds, winning the game by ensuring their chosen holds match the colors flashing in the room. After five months of storyboarding and prototyping, my team of five built a full-scale model of the room to test. I was responsible for the user experience piece of the design.
User experience
Guests enter a 12’x12’ room, with ledges at 1.5’ off the ground and rock holds spanning the wall up to 7.5’ off the ground. 30 holds in 3 primary colors span the walls, allowing for a maximum of 5 players at a given time. LED lights underneath the headers of each wall are placed between two strips of translucent material to diffuse the light.
We 3D printed rock-climbing holds in the shape of jelly beans, designing three distinct shapes to increase complexity and difficulty. We then used these models to created silicone molds, and cast the final holds by pouring resin into these molds. Holes drilled through the molds allowed for easy attachment to the wall, and sanding and oiling of the resin holds provided an authentic jelly bean look and feel.